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Found 43916 results for any of the keywords imperial units. Time 0.008 seconds.
W-Beams - American Wide Flange BeamsDimensions of American Wide Flange Beams ASTM A6 (or W-Beams) - Imperial units.
Air - Psychrometric Chart for Standard Atmospheric Conditions - ImperiPsychrometric chart for air at barometric pressure 29.921 inches of Mercury and temperature ranging 20oF to 120oF.
Water - Thermophysical PropertiesThermal properties of water at different temperatures like density, freezing temperature, boiling temperature, latent heat of melting, latent heat of evaporation, critical temperature and more.
Water - Density, Specific Weight and Thermal Expansion CoefficientsDefinitions, online calculator and figures and tables with water properties like density, specific weight and thermal expansion coefficient of liquid water at temperatures ranging 0 to 360°C (32 to 680°F).
Air - Thermophysical PropertiesThermal properties of air at different temperatures - density, viscosity, critical temperature and pressure, triple point, enthalpi and entropi, thermal conductivity and diffusivity and more.
Square Footage AreaOur SQFT calculators provide you with a quick and simple way of determining the square footage area for various shapes and in both SI and imperial units.
CADprofi Suite Full package - CAD for professionalsFull CADprofi Suite package instead of a single module. Full cooperation of all four industries:
Hot Air Balloons - Calculate the Lifting ForceCalculate hot air ballon lifting force.
Steel Pipes - Thermal Expansion LoopsCalculating and sizing steel pipe thermal expansion loops.
Miter Saw - Calculate Sawing AngleCalculate miter saw protractor angles for skirting and decorative mouldings work.
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